Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
We Lost Our Preaching MOJO, how do we get it back?
by skepticSam indoes anyone have any theories why our territory that's be reduced six or seven times over the last twenty years is not covered anymore?
we use to cover our area in less than six months and now nobody really keeps track of how the preaching work by territory is going.
is the advent of the mobile-literature machine why we don't see a zealous preaching spirit?
Brokeback Watchtower
It's hard to go out and place their worthless garbage these days of the information age Google is their worst enemy when all a householder has to do is google Jehovah's Witnesses and he can get all the down-low on this clandestine weirdo corporation who pawns itself off as Jehovah's earthly organization. -
What would a Psychoanalyst think about Jehovah's mental health condition?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think he would definitely diagnose him with a extremely violent form of narcissism, lugging around a huge shadow of denial, which makes him petty and homophobic, and those 100,000 animal sacrifice orgies he so very much enjoys are a sign of a serious greedy glutton.
no doubt this voracious hunger for burnt flesh of lowly animals stems from the energy need after he experiences a uncontrollable bursts of anger creating a vicious cycle he can not break free of so that the only thing that can save him and turn him less violent is a human sacrifice from his heavenly son incarnate to quell his terrible anger.. maybe some form of oedipus complex too?.
Brokeback Watchtower
That's the perfect picture of a Jehovah like personality only this guy had a a more control over his anger where as Jehovah was always way over the top with uncontrollable rage. -
What would a Psychoanalyst think about Jehovah's mental health condition?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think he would definitely diagnose him with a extremely violent form of narcissism, lugging around a huge shadow of denial, which makes him petty and homophobic, and those 100,000 animal sacrifice orgies he so very much enjoys are a sign of a serious greedy glutton.
no doubt this voracious hunger for burnt flesh of lowly animals stems from the energy need after he experiences a uncontrollable bursts of anger creating a vicious cycle he can not break free of so that the only thing that can save him and turn him less violent is a human sacrifice from his heavenly son incarnate to quell his terrible anger.. maybe some form of oedipus complex too?.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think he would definitely diagnose Him with a extremely violent form of Narcissism, lugging around a huge shadow of denial, which makes him petty and homophobic, and those 100,000 animal sacrifice orgies he so very much enjoys are a sign of a serious greedy glutton. No doubt this voracious hunger for burnt flesh of lowly animals stems from the energy need after he experiences a uncontrollable bursts of anger creating a vicious cycle he can not break free of so that the only thing that can save him and turn him less violent is a human sacrifice from his heavenly Son incarnate to quell his terrible anger.
Maybe some form of Oedipus complex too?
The term Oedipus complex (or, less commonly, Oedipal complex) denotes the emotions and ideas that the mind keeps in the unconscious, via dynamic repression, that concentrates upon a child's desire to have sexual relations with the parent of the opposite sex (i.e. males attracted to their mothers, and females attracted to their fathers).[1][2] Sigmund Freud, who coined the term "Oedipus complex" believed that the Oedipus complex is a desire for the parent in both males and females; Freud deprecated the term "Electra complex", which was introduced by Carl Gustav Jung in regard to the Oedipus complex manifested in young girls. The Oedipus complex occurs in the third — phallic stage (ages 3–6) — of the five psychosexual development stages: (i) the oral, (ii) the anal, (iii) the phallic, (iv) the latent, and (v) the genital — in which the source of libidinal pleasure is in a different erogenous zone of the infant's body.
In classical Freudian psychoanalytic theory, a child's identification with the same-sex parent is the successful resolution of the Oedipus complex and of the Electra complex. This is a key psychological experience that is necessary for the development of a mature sexual role and identity.Sigmund Freud further proposed that boys and girls experience the complexes differently: boys in a form of castration anxiety, girls in a form ofpenis envy; and that unsuccessful resolution of the complexes might lead to neurosis, pedophilia, and homosexuality. Men and women who arefixated in the Oedipal and Electra stages of their psychosexual development might be considered "mother-fixated" and "father-fixated". In adult life this can lead to a choice of a sexual partner who resembles one's parent. -
What Would Happen if the Watchtower Loses Their TAX EXEMPT STATUS?
by John Aquila inwould it really affect them?
how would it affect volunteers at any construction project since that work would now be taxable.
any materials they buy would be taxable.
Brokeback Watchtower
If they lose their tax exempt status it should be shouted from the roof top or at least every time we see the JW's stand next to their Jehovah chariot witnessing carts.
Why is the Governing Body pushing the very young(5-12 year old) into getting baptized into subservience to the Corporation?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think a very simple reason may be because the very young are pretty much the only ones naive enough to take the plunge these days.
with the internet available to inform people about the deceptive lies printed by the wt corporation it seems that they are getting their member from the less informed population like the elderly and the very young.
they/gb hate higher education because they loose members who get one and so they are focusing on those that are dumb enough to believe their boogie man bull shit about jehovah choosing their corporation and anybody not a part of it he will destroyed at armageddon.. also we need to consider that they view these young people as a potential free labor source so the sooner you get them hooked into baptism with the threat of disfellowshipping you can get more free labor out of them..
Brokeback Watchtower
I wonder what the JWs are thinking about this push by the Organization to hurry up and get your children baptized the younger the better.
I'm betting that all these things are starting to add up in the minds of the R&F in both the conscious and unconscious parts. I mean they just took all the congregation's money and want pledges to be made for a regular amount sent to them with out saying where all this money's going they are treating them like a bunch of schmucks it is so obvious. And all the child molestation lawsuit cases they are facing more and more being added almost weekly.
So I think a lot of JW parents will start wising up and seeing all this interest the Corporation has in their kid as not a healthy thing and that the Governing Body don't give a shit about your kids welfare as the courts can planly testify and big lawsuit payouts proves it. I'm thinking we are at the threshold of a mass awakening this corporation is over the top and only the very very blind can't see it.
Brokeback Watchtower
Jesus would have shown up at the convention and taken out a whip.
He was definitely over the top in his delusions with fanatical anger issues over his imagined Deity father.
WT October 15, 2015 - Don't believe Apostate Lies
by Designer Stubble inthe last article in this new wt, shows me that the organization is dealing with much information that is damaging them.
i am sure that the many recent lawsuits are being noticed by the r&f.. here are some gems from that article, titled the naive person believes every word.
we must be very selective about what we consider worthy of our attention.
Brokeback Watchtower
I remember while I was at Bethel 1974 that Me and another brother were arguing this point about slander whether slander could actually be true and still classified as slander. Brother Schroeder/GB was sitting at our table so we asked him and he said yes the slander could all be true but it was still slander. So I think that is the consensus among the entire GB in their use of the term. -
Why is the Governing Body pushing the very young(5-12 year old) into getting baptized into subservience to the Corporation?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think a very simple reason may be because the very young are pretty much the only ones naive enough to take the plunge these days.
with the internet available to inform people about the deceptive lies printed by the wt corporation it seems that they are getting their member from the less informed population like the elderly and the very young.
they/gb hate higher education because they loose members who get one and so they are focusing on those that are dumb enough to believe their boogie man bull shit about jehovah choosing their corporation and anybody not a part of it he will destroyed at armageddon.. also we need to consider that they view these young people as a potential free labor source so the sooner you get them hooked into baptism with the threat of disfellowshipping you can get more free labor out of them..
Brokeback Watchtower
I think a very simple reason may be because the very young are pretty much the only ones naive enough to take the plunge these days. With the internet available to inform people about the deceptive lies printed by the WT corporation it seems that they are getting their member from the less informed population like the elderly and the very young. They/GB hate higher education because they loose members who get one and so they are focusing on those that are dumb enough to believe their boogie man bull shit about Jehovah choosing their corporation and anybody not a part of it he will destroyed at armageddon.
Also we need to consider that they view these young people as a potential free labor source so the sooner you get them hooked into baptism with the threat of disfellowshipping you can get more free labor out of them.
WT October 15, 2015 - Don't believe Apostate Lies
by Designer Stubble inthe last article in this new wt, shows me that the organization is dealing with much information that is damaging them.
i am sure that the many recent lawsuits are being noticed by the r&f.. here are some gems from that article, titled the naive person believes every word.
we must be very selective about what we consider worthy of our attention.
Brokeback Watchtower
The problem with the Governing Body is that they are in denial of their own evil lies. And so they are shadow boxing their own projected evil and calling anyone who exposes their evil lies of which they are in denial of a tool of Satan. Like religious gurus of the past they pin the title of Satan on anyone they hate for what ever reason.
They are like the Apostle Paul who calls anyone who is a threat to his superiorness a deceitful workers or ministers of Satan:
2corintians 11
For I consider that I have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 But even if I am unskilled in speech,+ I certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....
12 But what I am doing I will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast. 13 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.+ 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 It is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness. But their end will be according to their works.+... -
Was The Apostle Paul Out Of His Mind? Or Just An Eccentric Megalomaniac?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini have some quotes from the new world bible from 2 cor 11&12 read them and give us your prognosis, he definitely thought very highly of himself, his vision that he received from the unconscious and inflated his ego for sure.
i'm sure this guy is over the top in his exaggerations about what he did and didn't do probably lots of denial about some of his own fraud being projected onto his boogie man rivals he sarcastically calls superfine apostles.. for i consider that i have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.+ 6 but even if i am unskilled in speech,+ i certainly am not in knowledge; indeed we made it clear to you in every way and in everything.....12 but what i am doing i will continue to do,+ in order to eliminate the pretext of those who are wanting a basis* for being found equal to us in the things* about which they boast.
13 for such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of christ.+ 14 and no wonder, for satan himself keeps disguising himself as an angel of light.+ 15 it is therefore nothing extraordinary if his ministers also keep disguising themselves as ministers of righteousness.
Brokeback Watchtower
A little bit more about ego inflation from transpersonal experience:
Inflation and the Delusional Guru
In Jungian psychology, Inflation can be defined as:
An overexpansion of the personality through identification with an archetype or, in pathological cases, with a historical or religious figure, which exceeds individual limitations. (refDefinitions of Jungian Terms)
This definition is especially relevant in considering certain apparently narcissistic gurus who are stuck in the Intermediate Zone. The only difference I would make would be to replace "archetype" with my own equivalent term, "attractor". Also, it should be pointed out that these gurus are not delusional in the way a schizophrenic is (although there may be a number of superficial similarities, this led me to misinterpret one IZ guru, Patrizia Norelli-Bachelet, as schizophrenic, in an inlist email which was leaked to PNB followers)
Inflation, as defined here, is not the same as narcissism. Narcissism is an extreme form of egotism, which is associated (in the case of so-called gurus as well as ordinary people) with gross emotional immaturity, lack of empathy, and even child-like behaviour (not child-like in the sense of innocence, but in the sense of selfish, wanton, unrestrained, uncaring). It pertains to lack of development of the affective body and when excessive results in the narcissistic personality disorder.
Inflation is something quite different. It may occur even when a person, they may be a partially enlightened guru or sadhak for example, or a person on a drug trip, or having a psychotic experience, contacts something much vaster than their small human personality and is swallowed up by it, so that they identify with it and confuse their little human personalities with this much larger power. I call these big vast things "attractors". In the olden days they were called "gods" (this term is retained by contemporary hermeticists). Jung calls them "archetypes". It really doesn't matter what name one uses, or what conceptuual framework. What does matter is the reality of these forces.
The "place" (actually not an ontological reality, but a stage of spiritual development and opening to larger realities) where attractors are often found is the intermediate zone. This is where most people who have some experiences end up. Having had some experience, they then think they have the complete picture, that they are supremely enlightened, and make other ostentatious claims. These claims come about because they still have an ego, a locus of separate identity. They do not have to involve attractors. In fact Intermediate Zone Gurus who are non-narcisstic (i.e. who are emotionally mature) and who have not been captured by an attractor, can constitute authentic teachers, but only if there is in them an Inner Divine sincerity.
In the case of a guru who has had an experience of an attractor, or simply been possessed by one, or used in order to further some unfolding or agenda in the external or even the subtle world, the case is very different. Such a guru is an ambiguious figure, possessed of enormous charismatic power. The power has nothing to do with their petty little personality. It comes from the Attractor. Without that power, no-one would follow these people; why would you follow someone who may have a greatly inferior moral and spiritual consciousness to the average person? Or even if they don't, they are still no better than Joe Bloggs, once the power of the attractor and the intermediate zone charisma is taken away.
Through inflation, one may be be manipulated by or partake of the emanation of a class of astral entity or attractor called "luciferic" (to borrow Steiner's term - see Three Streams of Evolution). When unbalanced, Narcissism , which seems to be a common trait among many false andintermediate zone gurus. The result is a Delusional guru or master, who through ego-inflation and identification with attractors, fancies themselves possessing a spiritual status that in fact they do not really have.
The follower, through the act of following, of opening themself, themself partakes of identification with or being swallowed up by the attractor. But because they are followers, and lack the strength of personality or character or emotional or spiritual maturity to follow their own inner guidance, they cannot say that they are the attractor. Their identification comes through projecting an idealised ego image onto the guru
The Inflational Delusional Guru
There are two types of Delusional Guru; the Narcissistic and the Inflational. Although superficially similar, these delusions have a different origin, although it is cobnceivably possible to have both in the same person (that would be a pretty obnoxious so-called furu!) . In both forms they genuinely believe that they are enlightened beings, avatars, and so on, when in fact their consciousness has not attained that status. The Narcissist however does not go beyond the ordinary egoic identification at the level of the basic avidya surface consciousness (even if they believe they do). The Inflationist has, but has attained a sort of psychotic identification with an Attractor, they have in other words lost touch with common-sense reality. The Narcissist lacks empathy. The Inflationist lacks any sense of perspective at all.
The Inflational Delusional Guru is highly charismatic and may or may not be narcissistic. Genuinely believing they are an enlightened being or avatar, their inspirations do indeed come from beyond the ordinary mundane consciousness (the same can be said for schizophrenics, psychedelic drug experiences, and so on). in some cases they may be inspired by the false light of lower astral or adverse powers, in other cases the experiences would seem to derive ultimately from the mixed lights of the Intermediate Zone. All this depends on the samaskaras and personality and egotism or lack thereof of the guru in question. Whatever the nature of the experience, they identify it with the Absolute, with God, or with their own inflated ego. Even if they have authentic transcendent enlightenment experiences of the Intermediate Zone, this may (or may not) be distorted with side effects such as paranoia, and secondary mental and emotional self-deception.
They may still retaining some measure of personality, perhaps a lot, especially if there is also narcissism also involved in their make up. In this latter case, where both narcissism and inflation is present, the delusional guru will have tied up a lot of egotism and ego-defense mechanisms in this belief, and when their claims are challenged they become extremely defenisive and hostile and engage in rampant shadow projection on the wicked person or people who would dare imply such a thing. They also may (or may not) encourage their devotees to behave in such a way too.
The following charactereristics are suggested as a definition of the Inflational Delusional Guru type:- highly charismatic and persuasive, and hence good at manipulating people (although this comes ultimately from the attractor using them as its instrument
- have some genuine insight, realisation, and Light, via the Intermediate Zone
- tend to become slanderous or abusive and engage in much shadow projection when criticised, their followers therefore do the same
- may have profound transpersonal experiences
- these experiences are however psychotically misinterpreted or reinterpreted through ego-inflation and entity posssession or attractor identification.
- teachings based on intuitions and experiences gained from the attractor, mixed with their own personal ideas, opinions and mental and/or emotional experiences